
Friday, February 11, 2011

This week...

We had a busy week...
On Monday... We went to the grocery store... or something.
On Tuesday.... we had a play date. We were supposed to meet with a group of mommies and have music time and breakfast. Instead all the kids played and ate! Adelyn you were and played with all the musical toys. You just love music. Mike, you were very slow to warm and shy. Then you started playing chase with a girl who thought you wanted her guitar and so she wacked really hard across the face with it. You cried and cried. I was so mad at that little girl's mom... she had not been very nice from the start anyways. So when you said, "Mama, lets go home and watch a movie" I pack us up and we came home.
On Wednesday... We were going to go to Austin, but it was cold and sleety. So we stayed in and made Valentine cards. It was fun... Mike, you are getting really creative and being so careful in your projects. Adelyn, again you think you can do everything (that's my girl) and you licked my stamp pad like it was an ice cream cone- yuck!
On Thursday... We headed to Austin to see Aunt Kelly and the Kids. You two had a blast as always. Reese threw a book and hit Mike in the face. Mike locked himself in Rhiannon's closet. Adelyn pushed the stroller everywhere, pooped THREE times, and cried and cried because she could not do things like the big kids! You ate a ton of cheeto balls and we had eggs and toast for dinner. Adelyn moved during her bang trim and now has short crooked bangs (they are so cute) You colored, jumped on the trampoline, played with EVERY toy, and made lots of noise. Wonder what it will be like when baby Reagan is born- there will be five of you!!
On Friday... We went to Mike's soccer class. Mike, you are doing a great job. You are such a good listener, your nice to the other kids, and you are really building those soccer skills. Adelyn, you drove me nuts!! You think you can play soccer. I spent more time running you down that talking to the other mommies. As we were leaving I bought you snacks from the vending machine- in maybe 10 seconds I head an old lady yelling... "Where's you Mother?! You can't come out here?" When I look up, it was Adelyn!! She ran out two doors and was headed into the parking lot before I caught her! UGH! The old lady gave me a dirty look and said "You better hold on to her!" Thanks, Addy! On a high note... we ran into a girl at Khols whose name was ADELYNN... it was fun to chat with her mom about how she came up with the name... she said "I thought I made the name myself.... guess I didn't" lol We are going to meet daddy at the park for dinner...on of our favorite things to do.

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